Name: Sri Sadhivka, Deepthi for friends

Age: 8

Occupation: Primary school (3rd standard)

Connection with Kelly:
She always runs around and plays in the gated community where Kelly stays. She is a very smart girl that takes care of sick pigeons and likes to play badminton on the street. She likes to draw at Kelly & Aljoscha’s place.

“I want to be a good girl and help others…”


“In the future I want to become an engineer.”

I want to be a good girl and help others. I want to help my mother by earning money. My mum is a cook and my dad is a car driver. I also want to get along with everybody in the community that I live in in Shaikpet. Sometimes I’m a naughty girl. My mum says I cannot sit in one place and I’m always chatting around with everybody.

I have one sister who is 4 years younger than me. But she is adopted by my aunty on my father’s site because otherwise my aunty’s child wish could not be fulfilled.

deepthi-mumI dream that my mum and dad have their own house. Now it is already the 3rd house that we moved place. I miss my friends every time we move. We are originally from Rajahmundry about 600km from Hyderabad. Now we moved into the HS Darga area for the second time.

What makes me happy?

I’m happy when it is my birthday. I get then new clothes, games and chocolates. I also like when it is my mother’s birthday because then we have another party.

I also like to play with cats. I like to go to school. But my best friends are not in school but in the community where my mum works. We love to play hide and seek together. I also like to drive around on my bike.

I like to watch TV at home. After my homework I always watch cartoon channels.

Kelly’s experience:

Kelly enjoyed the interview where the mother was present with her daughter. She liked the fact that they (mother and daughter) were thinking about the future.

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